Thursday, September 9, 2010


     My full name is Alaina Louise Stacey. I guess I'm proud to be a Stacey, but I regret to inform you that my original, straight from the Mediterranean name, was way, way cooler. If my great-grandfather hadn't come from Greece with the desire to be as American as possible, I would be Alaina Louise Stasinopolous. How cool is that? Tres cool.
     I really love country music. I feel like I am the odd man (woman) out here, but it doesn’t bother me too much, because I’ve got a pretty wide range of musical taste. My favorite country artists are Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Kasey Chambers, and Miranda Lambert, but I also love Iron & Wine, Amos Lee, Counting Crows, Bruce Springsteen, R. Kelly (weird, right?) and I am absolutely head over heels in love with Ben Folds. Check him out; he’s a musical genius. (One kind of embarrassing thing about me is that one time I was writing to my friend that I’m a genius and I wrote “genious”. Hehe woops.) I also write and sing my own music, as well as some of my brothers’ music and my dad’s music. We’re just one big musical family!
     I have three brothers named Jordan, Julian, and Gabriel. We all get along swimmingly; thank the dear lord baby Jesus. My parents met when they were my age, and my dad says he loved her from the moment he saw her. Everyone in my family loves to be together (maybe a bit too much), and we love to vacation. So far we’ve been to Greece, Thailand, France, and England.
     I enjoy reading authors such as J.K. Rowling, Barbara Kingsolver, Harper Lee, J. K. Rowling, George Orwell, and J. K. Rowling. I absolutely love walking outside on beautiful days, and I would have to say my favorite season is fall. Or spring. It changes depending on how cold I’m feeling. But mostly fall. I think. I play the flute and the guitar and attempt the piano when I’m feeling brave. For the past five years I’ve done a triathlon every summer, which is very rewarding and exciting (especially the bagels and medals at the end).
     A few random facts: I want to be a midwife when I grow up, and I’m going to attend a birth any day now (she’s about ready to pop!); one of the greatest inspirations in my life was my grandmother “Tada”, who had a squillion faults but was one of the most beautiful people I ever knew; I love Australia and everything to do with it; I wish I knew more Spanish; and my favorite movie of all time is the Princess Bride – I could watch it every single day and never get tired of it – followed closely by Love Actually and Overboard.
     I’m the kind of person that babbles on and on, so I shall bid this blog adieu. Now I have a few hours of homework to look forward to ☺. Life is beautiful.


  1. alaina you have a really great writing style! :D

  2. Alaina! There's a free country music fest in Millennium Park Oct. 8 & 9. I read about it on the train & I was planning on going for fun, you'd probably love it (:

  3. Ahhhh! You're such an incredible writer!(: I LOVE LOVE LOVE country music (and R. Kelly ;) and J.K. Rowling! I loved your mediterranean last name! I love youuu<3

  4. Alaina, you're a very interesting person and I love the fact that you are close-knit with your family. I agree with the fact that I'd love your original, Mediterranean name. You seem quite interesting, have a nice sense of humor and I cannot wait to learn more about you this year.

  5. Nice blog, and I really like the word "squillion". Would that be 1 million squid?

  6. Lainers you have the greatest writing style, I had fun reading this.
    and your music taste is really interesting!
