Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

     Martin Luther King. What an incredible man. One of America's most well-known civil rights leaders. He was, and in my opinion still is, a symbol for those of us who feel they have no place in the world. For those of us who feel segragated against for immoral reasons, for those of us who have been poorly treated because of race or class. Had Martin Luther King not said all he said, and done all he did, perhaps America would not be wehere it is today.
     Yeah, sure, there were others. Yes, eventually someone else would have shone, and yes, evetually racism and segregation probably would have been beaten (for the most part anyway; it's not like it's completely gone everywhere). But would it have happened like it did with King? Would someone else have made such and enormous impact on African American culture? He was so important to America's history.
     And what if he had not been shot? Would people think of him differently, if he had not died for the cause? A martyr for his people, for his American people. Of course, he still made an impact with his words and with his actions, but sometimes (and this might be terrible to even say) a tragedy like a death is just what the world needs to put things into action. Whenever people think of Martin Luther King, they think of a noble man who fought for his cause and went as far as he possibly could.
     Today we have Martin Luther King Day. In my experience, at least with myself and the people I know, this day is not a reflection on him and on the world and what we can do to make it better, just like he did. This is how it should be. Of course, I don't know about other households. Maybe some families have big parties celebrating their hero, their reason for freedom and justice. Maybe some parties mourn for King. I honestly don't know. But I don't think we need a day to remember him by. I think he is still alive in the hearts of every person who cares for others and everyone's independence.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, i think we should use what he taught us to try to improve the world now and our future. Not as an excuse for a day off.
