Friday, October 8, 2010

Us vs. Them...Us and Them

     There are so, so many things that can push a person to do the wrong thing. The key to that question though, is society. Things in society cause people to make the wrong choices every day. Peer pressure, for one thing, is the root of many choices. People are pushed into doing things they don't want to do, even though they know in their heart that it is the wrong decision. But it's hard to make the right choice when everyone else is saying differently.
     Another, slightly less noticeable branch of peer pressure is when you're trying to do something for the good of someone else. I myself have fallen into the trap of always trying to please other people, instead of doing what's best for myself. I'm not saying it's bad to do things for other people, and to try to make them happy, but it can get to be too much. Sometimes, while trying to please someone else, one can be blind to what is really the right thing to do, and choose the wrong thing. This kind of thing can happen easily, and is not always spotted until later on. You can feel really good about "doing the right thing" and making someone else happy, and then realize later on that you missed something.
     Things in society cause people to choose the wrong thing all the time. Whether it be peer pressure, the need to please others, advertisement, or just a subtle "social norm", people make the wrong choices. It happens. What can't happen is people beating themselves up over the wrong choices. Once you've made a choice, it's made. If it's not something you can change, don't worry about it. It's not worth it. Treat every mistake like a gift, because it's teaching you a lesson. Society, "them", is always against "us". We need to be strong and individual, or our sense of self will be lost. It's always going to be "Us vs. Them", and the only thing to do is be strong. If you falter, take it in your stride and start again.


  1. Well said Alaina!!! I completely agree with you. But how do you find the right balance between pleasing others while doing the right thing? I think that's the part where people have the most trouble distinguishing. It's very easy to find mistakes but isn't fixing and moving on from it the hard part?

  2. Yes, I too have found myself in the trap of straying away from what is right to please others. It is hard to find that balance, but when you do, you feel great helping someone out for all the right reasons. Your last paragraph was really inspiring; sometimes we worry about a bad decision, but you are right, we can't change it. We should stay strong and not worry.

  3. If more people were like you, i feel like the world would be a much happier and peaceful place, darling(: I love you're insight on this! How do YOU personally find the right balance between pleasing others and doing what's right?
